loaded tourer
loaded tourer
  • The starting line
    • 31/07/2017
Day 4, raining again, drenched in the morning, but turns out to be grey with showers rather than all day non stop.
Some final peaks and troughs, waterfalls, tunnels, and fishing villages / marinas, I stop for brunch by some Swedish yachters boiling crabs in a pot, then after Egersund the landscape flattens out and cow farms take over.
The wind is behind me and make some good km, apart from a couple of sections where the sign posted route takes you down muddy footpaths. Not happy about that, this is an international touring route, not a day trippers mountain bike trail.

Meet a local lady farmer out walking dogs in the evening, she is unhappy about a refugee centre nearby, due to the fact they have come to sponge off the state, and that crime in the area has increased notably with their presence.

The morning continues in a similar vein, stinking of cow shit, but gradually fields replaced by suburbia until reaching Stavanger centre, with cruise passengers exploring the pretty streets.
Then bckkkwooom! Thunderstorm! Or what are they called, micro burst drenching. Everyone runs for cover, 5 minutes the streets are rivers and then its over....
Head for he hostel, starts raining sgson, take cover in a parking garage, meet a Nepalese guy who works on the Thompson cruise ship. Apparently their government sponsors people to cycle around the world, spreading messages of peace.

So this is the beginning of the last section, the area which inspired the whole trip, saving best for last etc etc...
So now a bit nervous about time, weather, legs, mainly weather though. There are plenty of alternate routes and ferry short cuts if required. Bring it on!

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